Home > Artworks > María del Carmen Uría

Photo of María del Carmen Uría Argentina

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Brief artistic reference

I joined in 2002, paint shop Ester Bertone naif who coordinates the "Northern District Villa Hortensia." Municipality of Rosario. Argentina.

My expectations for this discipline, they were immediately filled and even exceeded.
I found a free way to have...

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0.16 x 0.12 in
0.12 x 0.08 in
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Brief artistic reference

I joined in 2002, paint shop Ester Bertone naif who coordinates the "Northern District Villa Hortensia." Municipality of Rosario. Argentina.

My expectations for this discipline, they were immediately filled and even exceeded.
I found a free way to have experiences and emotions. I learned to observe in detail the world around me.
Far from what many people believe, in the naïve art are not only decorative works
with houses stories and candid and colorful landscapes. We also express displeasure, human misery, pain, rejection, and countless injustices sentimietos they turned to the web, in order to have stories lived or dreamed.

Totally free of theories and stereotypes, with no ties to me boxed into any stream or school, I feel very comfortable and I feel great satisfaction of being a "naive artist." Naive I believe that art and I will be forever linked.
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Samples and competitions

Years 2003-2004-2005-2006-2007:
? Collective shows in the Northern District Villa Hortensia
? Libraries and cultural centers different parts of the city:

"Library" Encouragement to Study "

- Biblioteca Popular "La Florida"

"Centro Cultural" Silver Edition "

Film-Cultural Center "Lumiere"

"Cultural Center" The Homer "

Rosario-Hall Medical Association (AMR)

-Hall College of Psychologists.

? Creation of Mural Group at Club Tiro Federal Argentino

Year 2006
? Artist selected 7 th Biennial of Art Naif Rómulo Raggio Foundation (Buenos Aires). Argentina

? Artist selected. Board of the Children for almanacs 2008.Bs.As. Argentina.

Year 2007
? selected artist Henry Rousseau Hall Gallery of Nations (BUENOS AIRES)

? 1 º Encuentro Naif National Artists "The Navy Naive." Chapadmalal. Mar del Plata. Argentina

? Exhibition Displays Rosario Agraria.

? 1 Gold Medal Award 1, Naif Art Salon APANOVI Foundation. Bs.As.

Year 2008
? 2 th National Foundation Naif Painting APANOVI.Chapadmalal. (Mar del Plata). Argentina

. Selected Artist Salon de Arte Naif Romulo Raggio Museum. V. Lopez. Bs.As

. Meeting of painters Primaverasobrerueda. Rueda.Sta.Fe

. Kite Park Scalabrini Ortiz. (Naif painting on kites.)

Year 2009

. III National Naif.Chapadmalal Painting. Argentina.

Criticism of the work

The work of Ms. María del Carmen Uria mainly based on the naive style, reflecting a very good use of color, has a palette that identifies itself, a picture that resonates with your personality, is an employee of the brush, your production is ongoing. Five years ago, which is dedicated to painting in the naive style, and growth is well known work after work.
Overcome concern is reflected in their work, this has been demonstrated by awards.
In short, the seriousness and responsibility, the answer of his paintings makes Mrs. Uriah take all the honors the responsibility of being a referent of a style that usually is little taken into account within the plastic, which is reversed in the work of the painter.

Ester Bertone
Architect and Artist Plastic

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